Produced by Ross Wariner and Cody Uhler
Mixed by Ross Wariner, Cody Uhler and Derek Garten
Mastered by John Baldwin
All songs written by Ross Wariner and Cody Uhler
“Face of Danger Relay Race (Derby Dance)” lyrics by Cody Uhler and Eric Koslosky
“Beddie Bye” strings arranged by Steve Wariner
“Ruby Child” and “Running the Gauntlet” strings arranged by Ross Wariner
“The Key” strings arranged by Cody Uhler
The Juice Box Gang
Eric “Ole Smokey Joe” Koslosky, Mikie Martel, Carl Gatti, Dougie Keebler, Kiel Tyler, Katie Studley, Hannah Schroeder & Sara Dudley
Paul Ripee, Ryan Wariner, Kristin Weber, Steve Wariner, David Angell, David Davidson, Kristin Wilkinson & Anthony F. La Marchina.
Artwork by
S. Britt